Natural Environments

It is limitless and impartial, without any bias towards who savors it. It has the power to stimulate, disappoint, astonish, exhaust, satisfy, and even mend us.

Have you ever wondered why, even after the passage of several years, you can recall every vivid detail of nearly all your hunting or fishing expeditions, particularly the ones where you were successful?

You can vividly recall the precise moment - the crunch of leaves beneath your feet, the water tugging at your line, the first sighting, the hook set, the drag, and the exhilarating fight. During these moments, all our senses are heightened, without any distractions clouding our focus. It's a laser beam directed towards our intention, towards success, or at least, trying to achieve it.

Veterans know this kind of focus in multiple environments - during a firefight, on missions, or deployment where the sole aim is to survive and make it back home. The adrenaline, emotions, hearts, and minds align to keep pushing beyond known limits. This focus becomes a way of life and helps us learn more about ourselves and our fellow soldiers.

Being in the outdoors and immersing ourselves in nature heals our scars, minds, hearts, and souls. True hunters and anglers have immense respect for our most primitive skills, unlike anything else. We honor and appreciate what mother nature provides in our lives and on our dinner tables. The experiences we have in solitude and together can be retold a hundred times without getting boring. Unless, of course, you're narrating the story of how you bagged and tagged the mount on your living room wall to your children.

We know how the outdoors have helped heal and make veterans feel more alive. Hunting and angling have a profound impact on our lives, shaping who we are as individuals. Together, we will create everlasting memories on the land and waters of this beautiful country for years to come.

meet the team

Bruce and Casey Haddock | Founders & President

Bruce & Casey Haddock are the founders of Now or Never Outfitters. They met in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, while working together and married on June 22, 2002. They live in Louisiana with their four incredible children Jackson, Cooper, Kenna & Leah. Bruce comes from a strong line of service members -his uncles, grandpa, and dad all served in the military. Unfortunately, due to a medical issue, he was denied the opportunity to serve in the military. The most influential man in his life was his father, who retired from the United States Army as a CW4 Chief Warrant Officer CH-47 Chinook night vision instructor pilot at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, after serving 31 years. After being unable to serve his country, Bruce was always thinking of a way to fill that void he carried—something he could do to give back to his country. After hosting and guiding some hunts for a dear friend of his who is the Founder of Wounded Warriors United, Tom Tavtigian challenged Bruce to start his own organization. So in 2018, while praying and reading one morning, the words Now or Never Outfitters came to him, and as he prayed, it became clear to him that Now or Never is the time to get the Veterans outdoors to experience the wonderful healing power of the great outdoors. The word Outfitters means to equip, so it was then that Bruce realized God had just dropped in his lap that thing he had been seeking to fill the void he had been carrying for so many years not being able to serve in the military. Bruce and Casey love the outdoors, and for them, there is no better place to be, no matter if they are fishing for reds and specks or hunting for deer, turkeys, ducks, geese, or doves. If it can be hunted or you can fish for it, they want to try it. So, what better way to give back to our Veterans than to provide them with fishing and hunting opportunities free at no cost to them. In 2018 with their friends Austin and Lindsey Detrick, they officially launched Now or Never Outfitters. With Now or Never Outfitters, we want these Veterans and their families to know that someone cares for them and will be there for them without asking for anything in return. We want to provide an opportunity that maybe these Veterans cannot afford to do on their own or do not have the right resources to get into the great outdoors.  When a Veteran goes on one of our trips, they are not just a number; they are now family. When Bruce and Casey call you family, you are just that you are family. Since launching in 2018, Now or Never Outfitters has continued to grow to reach more Veterans and have a lasting impact on them and their families' lives.

Austin & Lindsey Detrick | Co-Founders | Oklahoma Ambassador

Austin and Lindsey Detrick are the co-founders and Oklahoma ambassadors for Now or Never Outfitters. Austin and Lindsey met in 2011 and were married shortly after in August 2012. They have made their home in Northwest Oklahoma. In their spare time they enjoy producing wheat, raising cattle, and spending time outdoors. Austin and Lindsey both have a passion for their country and a heart for all past, present, and future service members. By helping establish Now or Never Outfitters, Austin and Lindsey’s goal, and way of honoring the service members in their own families, is to show their gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices made that result in the freedoms we all enjoy today.

TAYLOR M. MOLINA | Texas Ambassador

Taylor is a retired United States Marine Gunnery Sergeant who enlisted on March 21, 2004, and retired on May 31, 2021. His active-duty time was cut short due to his medical diagnosis of narcolepsy type II and other underlying issues.  He participated in a few combat deployments, Marine Expeditionary Unit deployments, and various other deployments within the Pacific region. Since retiring, the transition has been a turbulent ride.  After taking a hunting trip with Bruce and Austin, he found many reasons to be a part of Now or Never Outfitters, which can go on for many pages. The core reason he decided to be part of this amazing organization is that it is more like a family with the bond of brotherhood. Ever since the first hunting trip Bruce and Austin took him on, it drastically changed his life. His retirement transition was the part no one could prepare you for, and it’s not about finding a job. It is about dealing with battling the emotional rollercoaster of no longer being an arm's distance from a fellow brother.  He found comfort on his first hunting trip with NONO, where he reconnected with fellow brothers from another mother—sharing stories, laughter, memories, and breaking bread with one another. Regardless of the branch of service, we all joined the common bond that connected us all is our brotherhood and the comradery we share. Memories that will last a lifetime. No one wants to close their eyes for the last time with dreams; we want to have memories, which is why he is a part of this organization. It has blessed him and his overall mental, physical, and spiritual health. 

Cole Frimmel | Kansas Ambassador

Cole is an Engineering Technician at Riley County Public Works in Manhattan, Kansas. He enjoys hunting and fishing, but his passion is waterfowl. Cole was introduced to Now or Never Outfitters by Ryan Sajdera through a goose hunt that he assisted with. He could not wait to get involved after hearing from Ryan about how the organization helped veterans by not only getting them involved in hunting but also giving them someone they could trust and talk to about the things they were going through in life. He felt a deep connection to the struggles that many veterans go through from his personal struggles early on in life with depression, anxiety, and relationships.  As the grandson of an Army Air Force Veteran and brother to an Army Veteran, he has a great appreciation for service members and feels personally connected to the organization. Some of his goals with Now or Never Outfitters are to support Veterans as an ambassador by giving them an opportunity to get out and be involved in the outdoors with hunting and fishing, help them develop a deeper connection to the outdoors, and build relationships that will last a lifetime. 

Ryan Sajdera | Kansas Ambassador 

Cpt, US Army

Ryan is a U.S. Army Veteran with over 8 years of Active Duty service as a UH-60M Blackhawk Pilot. Ryan was a Company Commander in the First Infantry Division at Fort Riley, KS, with deployments to Afghanistan and Europe. Ryan was born and raised in northern Wisconsin and commissioned into Active Duty through ROTC at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. After completing flight school in Fort Rucker, AL, Ryan was stationed at Fort Riley, where he would spend most of his career. Shortly after arriving in Fort Riley, he was deployed to Afghanistan to support Operation Resolute Support. While in Afghanistan, Ryan spent most of his time on the night shift working Air-Assault missions and leading Expeditionary Aviation Packages (EAP's) in remote out-stations. Every shift seemed to always end with an amazing desert sunrise in a completely hostile country, and it was on that deployment that he realized that every sunrise that wasn't spent outdoors was a sunrise that was wasted. From there on, Ryan vowed to make the most of every day of freedom in the United States. After his tour in Afghanistan, Ryan had the opportunity to participate in an Oklahoma Duck hunt with Now or Never Outfitters. The overwhelming amount of support, passion, and camaraderie of the organization fueled his desire to become an Ambassador with NONO.  Ryan is passionate about the outdoors and loves introducing Veterans into the sport with Now or Never Outfitters. He has experienced firsthand the amazing healing power that the outdoors can have on a person's life.  Ryan currently works full-time as a Realtor in the Manhattan, KS area. His favorite hobbies include hunting, fishing, and spending time with his wife and two children

Nate Jaquith | New York Ambassador

Cpt, US Army

Nate is a US Army Veteran and Blackhawk Pilot with over 7 years of Active-Duty service and multiple deployments. He currently resides and grew up in upstate New York, surrounded by multiple mountain ranges, lakes, rivers, and streams. Spending most of his free time hunting (deer, turkey, and ducks) and fishing, he found a passion for the outdoors. While stationed in Fort Riley, Kansas, Nate was introduced to Now or Never Outfitters on the receiving end of a sponsored hunt. Upon arriving at the house for the hunt, Nate was instantly greeted as if he had known everyone his entire life. On multiple occasions during the weekend, he found himself talking, listening, and laughing in a way he hadn’t in quite some time; the element of brotherhood was everywhere that weekend. It was shortly after the hunt that he was able to really understand the bond and support that all veterans need and should have access to. NONO is more to him than a volunteer organization; it is a brotherhood and family. It wasn’t long before Nate was all in.